Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Child's Ten Commandments for Parents!!!

This is an excerpt from a book by Kevin Leman entitled "Getting the Best Out of Your Kids". It is called "A Child's Ten Commandments to Parents", and it struck a major chord with me. So much so, that I wanted to share it with you here.

1. My hands are small; please don't expect perfection.
2. I haven't seen the world; please don't restrict me unnecessarily.
3. Housework will always be there; please take time for me.
4. My feelings are tender; please don't nag me all day long.
5. I'm a gift from God; please discipline me in a loving manner.
6. I need your encouragement; please go easy on the criticism.
7. Please permit me to fail so I can learn from my mistakes.
8. Please don't compare me with my brother or sister.
9. Please don't be afraid to leave me for a weekend together. It's a great way to show me your marriage is very special.
10. Please take me to church regularly, setting me a good example to follow.

I have printed this out for myself and post it in several places around the house. I'm feeling gently reprimanded and humbled by the Lord.

Thank you, dear Lord, for these precious gifts that you've given to me in these children. Please help me to raise them as you would have me raise them. Help me to be the mother that You want me to be.

I love these and wanted to share it with all of you - just a gentle reminder as a mom of all that we have in our kids.

Have a GREAT day!!


Sunday, November 7, 2010


I found this on a blog I follow and wanted to pass along.. I thought it was a good read and so true...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

For the anxious mother, God has provided a solution in His Word.

It is simple: Pray. Give Thanks. Repeat.

It covers all of life: Don’t be anxious about ANYTHING. Pray about EVERYTHING.

And it comes with a promise: God’s peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Yet I sometimes treat prayer as if it doesn't work. I do this by not praying or thanking but by worrying instead.

“I’ve tried praying before,” I excuse myself, “and God’s answer was different than what I asked for. So what’s the use?” Or, “I tried praying and didn’t feel more peaceful. I must not be doing it right.”

But the peace of God is more than a flimsy feeling of peace. It is a knowing, a settled confidence in the sovereign goodness of God that will guard against all anxious feelings.

As we pray and give thanks IN EVERYTHING, our trust in God deepens and His peace pervades our lives. Anxious thoughts don’t have the same sticking power, and eventually, they go away.

So lately I’ve been trying to simply obey God’s Word in Philippians 4. I still have a lot to learn about prayer, but I can tell you this: my faith, peace and gratefulness to God have grown, and my temptation to anxiety has decreased.

Scripture is true, and as anxious mothers, we would do well to believe and obey.